


Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 
technopeak is a certified Gold Bitrix Partner in the Middle East and Africa. We are a long time, trusted partner of Bitrix24 especially in servicing government agencies as well as small, medium, and large enterprises in the UAE.

As the leading Bitrix24 partner in the Middle East and Africa, we work under strict SLAs to ensure we give exemplary service to our customers. We provide end-to-end Bitrix24 services from business process modelling, installation, customization, user training to maintenance support. Our team of highly skilled experts and reliable support team deliver various support options such as hotline and on-site support to ensure you get your business running all the time.
Kontakte anzeigen

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Dubai
Telefon: +971 4 439 6969

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CRM und Automatisierung

CRM und Automatisierung

Bereitstellung der On-Premise Version

Bereitstellung der On-Premise Version

Implementierung für Großunternehmen

Implementierung für Großunternehmen

HR- und Projektmanagement

HR- und Projektmanagement



Social Intranet/Social Networking im Unternehmen

Social Intranet/Social Networking im Unternehmen

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